About Us

What’s in a name? Here’s what:

When I decided to start a small publishing venture in 1979, I needed a name for it, and I looked naturally toward my two daughters, Annika and Molly. At that time Annika was known as “Kiki,” a name she had chosen for herself. Her younger sister was Molly. Much of what I was hoping to publish was meant for them, in particular a fantasy, The Magic Quilts.

So I combined the first two letters of each of their names, and Kimo Press it was, and remains.

Kimo Press started in Virginia, and is now located in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, in the central part of the Keystone State.

Kimo Press has offered three main kinds of publications:

  • Books and booklets dealing with Quakerism, the Religious Society of Friends: its history, beliefs, current situation and future prospects. These have included fiction, nonfiction, theology, Bible study, humor, even mystery novels.
  • Nonreligious stories for young readers, which were originally written for my own children.
  • And a few hard to find titles from other publishers

Most Kimo Press books have also been written or edited by me, Charles Fager, the publisher and proprietor.

Who am I? Well, you can click here for a brief biography.

Our “stable” of authors will be growing, so check back and see what’s new.

This site describes some Kimo Press publications currently available. It also includes excerpts from many of them, so you can sample our “product line.” And it tells you how you can order them.