The Best of Friends, Vol.1
(Samples below!)
An exciting collection of Quaker writing and art, edited by Chuck Fager.
Meet 40 Friendly authors and artists, from 17 Yearly Meetings in three countries, who offer:
- Captivating short stories
- Insightful essays
- Compelling personal testimonies
- Memorable poetry
- Spellbinding excerpts from new novels
- Vivid drawings
Published by Kimo Press, in association with The Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts.
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Ordering information: 260 pages, paperback, $10.95 plus $2.75 shipping.
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Contents & Excerpts
Chuck Fager: Introduction
EPIGRAPH: Evelyn Lang–to take note of
- Dee Birch Cameron (Best of Friends Award Essays)
- Giving It Away
- Like a Pinball in the Gutter
- Maybe I’m Wrong
- Wynne Busby: The Road to Amherst
- Ken Maher: Father’s Hand
- Ann Sieber: Jan de Hartog–A Captain on the Ocean of Light and Love
- Liz Yeats: Reading Religious Murder Mysteries for Relaxation, Fun and Sometimes a Bit of Spiritual Growth
- Elmay Kirkpatrick (Best of Friends Award Drawings)
- Janeal Turnbull Ravndal (Best of Friends Award for Poetry)
for Swarthmore Crop Walk; Business Meeting; and Scrabble Prayers - John de Valcourt: Quaker Men’s Group
- Margaret Diorio: Lost Boy
- Camilla Hewson Flintermann: On Watching the Amaryllis Bloom
- Margie Gaffron: In an Amish Cornfield
- Esther Greenleaf Mürer: mammon his fourth commandment
- Aliyah Meena Shanti: The Universe’s Language (Best of Friends Award for Writing by a Young Friend)
- Kristi Rozdilsky: An Affirmation in Bliss, Idaho
- Sherita Saffer-Campbell: Noah’s Wife
- Ed Higgins: Two poems, Silenced by Autumn; and Haying
- Tobin Marsh: pulling at the edge of your life
- Paula Yup: Faraway Lives
- Beverly Shepard: Old Meeting Houses
- Peter Anderson: Prairie Crossing
- Kenneth C. Leibman: Brother Lawrence, a Sonnet
- James W. Newton: Paradox Lost
- Helen Weaver Horn: My Grandma Knew What She Was Doing
- Dorothy Mack: Desert Flowers
- CSRussell: Excerpt from Mim, The Road Taken
- David Morse: Excerpts from The Iron Bridge
- Bonita Porter: Excerpt from Meriah of Sorrows
- Drawings by Markley Morris
- May Mansoor Munn: Two Snapshots from Ramallah
- Michele Lise Tarter: Shakedown
- Joe Miceli: Lights of Love
- G. Springett: Untitled
- Bonnie Zimmer: On Speaking Truth
- H. Larry Ingle: Living the Truth, Speaking to Power, a reflective review.
- Judith Weir: When There Is War…
- Best Of Friends Award Story:
- Dee Birch Cameron: An Origami Day
- Sue Parritt: Joe’s Story
- Gerry Theisman: Carl’s Cereal
- John Miller: The Pariahs